
Friday, March 22, 2019

Baden Powell's interesting biography

hello and welcome back to my blog! in inquiry this term we are doing powerful/influential people. I choose Baden Powell! Here is my biography sheet. please enjoy!

extraordinary Maori flash cards!

Hello my fellow bloggers, today I have got for you my extraordinary Maori flash cards! the website I used is called auto draw. it is a free to use website and you don't need to make a account! I hope you enjoy please feel free to leave a comment and even recommend some for me to do.

Friday, March 15, 2019

My pepha

Kia ora and welcome to my blog. today for this post I will be sharing you my pepeha!  I did make a comic strip but I lost it:( but thankfully I still have my written version. I hope you enjoy.

Tena koutou Katoa

Ko Rangitoto te mounga

Ko Takaki Te Awa

Ko Denis raua ko Peter Oku koro

Ko Nancy roua ko Bromwen

Ko Scott toku matua

Ko Linda toku whea

Ko Flynn toku teina

Kei Otutahi toku kainga

No Akarana Ahau

Ko marshlands toku kara

Ko Mr Shaw toku kara 

ko Mrs Pascoe toku Rimouski

Ko Noah toku ingoa

No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa